National Security and Economic Justification of Highway BR 319

National Security and Economic Justification of Highway BR 319
National Security: it’s a marking parallel very similar to the military speech when the first road in the rout was constructed. What happens is that not even the military argument saves the highway BR 319, since the road is situated in the middle of the continent, far from any border, and doesn’t consist in any mention of the priority lists made recently by the high military officers of the country (Brazil, Presidency of Republic, Legal Issues Sub chef, 2008).
 Economic Justification of the highway BR 319:  The called “polemic of the Highway BR 319" has a surreal aspect due to the lack of an economic reasoning for the opening of the highway. Differently of the highway Br 163 where the transportation of soy to the ports of Amazon River has a substantial financial return, the highway BR 319 is not necessary to transport the fabric products of the Zona Franca of Manaus to São Paulo, the so called “reason-of-be” of this road. In fact, the EIA (Ambient Impact Study) admits that the main reasoning for this highway simply doesn’t exist: the industries in Manaus are not interested in BR 319 because the transportation “frete” (price paid for transportation) to São Paulo is cheaper in the current system and could even have an even smaller cost if there was an improvement in the ports that serve Manaus.


How Stays the Removal of Animals from Highway BR 319: The highway Br 319 EIA (ambient impact study) follows the same one used on the highway BR 163, where there are millions of plans, supposedly many organs involved, and none project of anything. From a 8 volumes delivered report, there were less than two pages about the deforestation. Below is transcript what was boarded about the deforestation:
“To prevent the limitation of deforestation next to the highway, the removal must be restrict to the maximum and must be made only in really necessary locals. In cases where the removal is really necessary, verify if the animals that inhabits the place have conditions to dislocate naturally to other areas, if don´t, assist them in the process”. (ECOPLAN,2002, p.44-45).
What it’s concluded is that or the Government has a magic flute of Hamlin or is going to hire Noah to make the animals removal, once that is known the recursive incapacity of the Ibama in dealing with the magnitude of such a problem. No matter how hard the Government join forces, an ecological crime of great ratios is inevitable.